sitemapHome Startseite Sub Menu Home Management Distributors 全血、白血球パック、血球 ethical integrity whole blood leukopaks peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) specific subsets of PBMC (prospective) immunogenicity and immunotoxicity assays 幹細胞 stem cells human CD34+ from cord blood human CD34+ cells from bone marrow human stem cells from dental pulp human stem cells from fatty tissue prospective collection of stem cells 初代細胞培養 primary cells human endothelial cells human chondrocytes human osteoblasts human fibroblasts human keratinocytes human melanocytes human myocytes human epithelial cells cell culture services ScienCell products 細胞培養用試薬および3Dマトリックス cultivation and 3D matrices homoGel® reagents for cell culture handling cytokines, chemokines, growth factors customised culture media 培地 cell culture media endothelial cell growth media chondrocyte cell growth media osteoblast cell growth media fibroblast growth media keratinocyte growth media melanocyte growth media smooth muscle cell growth media skeletal muscle cell growth and differentiation media epithelial cell growth media stem cell media 病理学的および臨床的生物学的試料 pathological and clinical biospecimens FFPE tissue samples biobank TMA manufacturing process normal TMA neoplastic (tumour) TMA inflammatory + autoimmune TMA cardiovascular TMA customised TMA iConTMA® for R&D 組織学的、分子生物学的およびバイオアッセイサービス histological, molecular and bioassay services immunohistochemical services RNA in situ hybridisation digital pathology DNA and RNA extraction n-terminal sequencing bioassay (RUO/GLP) contact